About the Data

This site contains tables of total cesarean rates (total cesarean sections divided by total births) and other delivery method data if available. Unless indicated, the data are not risk-adjusted.

As of November 2017, this site will no longer use total cesarean rates without any risk-stratification for hospital comparisons. 

States collect hospital in-patient utilization data. These data contain no clinical information, nor do they have patient or physician identifiers. They answer the question of how many times a particular procedure is performed at a facility during a certain period of time and can help illuminate utilization patterns in larger geographic areas.

Caution should be exercised in employing rates derived by small numbers and from small populations.

Many states do not report these numbers directly on their own sites. Disaggregated utilization data are often shared on outside sites in a “hospital compare” type format which require the user to use pull-down menus to access numbers one-by-one. This may affect the accuracy of the information found on this site; for example, if these sites make a change to a number in their database, the percentage here would no longer be correct.

Most of the data on this site are found on publicly accessible web sites. CesareanRates.org and related entities specifically disclaim responsibility for any analyses, interpretations or conclusions.